workbased training WBT

Work-based training is a requirement for the successful completion of Certificate III in Commercial Cookery in Australia. Student may undertake WBT either in commercial kitchen or in a simulated work place which is generally provided by the school.

You are required to complete and satisfy the assessment requirements of preparing, cooking, and presenting menu items for a minimum of 48 complete food service periods that cover: breakfast, dinner, lunch, and special function.

Student needs to consider following to meet the WBT requirement as per the training guideline.

  1. Are you working in a commercial kitchen ?
  2. Does this kitchen cater to real customers?
  3. Do they cover breakfast, lunch, dinner and special functions ?

If answer is no then, you must consider to find an appropriate place to do your work place training to successfully meet the requirement. If one place is not able to cater for all service periods then you must consider to do part of the training in other places.

You should not only consider to meet the course requirement but also needs to think why did you do the course in first place ? Obvious answer would be to become a chef and be employed in restaurant, online price propecia cafe, hotel, cruise etc and perhaps one day, own your own food business. To become a qualified chef and to be employed you need to have right skills.

WBT gives you an opportunity to learn skills that you can apply and demonstrate your suitability for the chef/cook position. You must consider seriously. Do not put yourself at risk by just getting paper signed off, do not pay money to any agent or employer who is willing to sign off without doing actual training. You will one day get caught and result would be very devastating.

You should talk to your education provider to assist you if you are unable to find a suitable workplace by yourself or contact EMC.

For more information visit

Contact EMC and we are happy to find a suitable place for you.

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If you are looking for an internship in any other industry- you can contact EMC on Ph. + 61 3 8610 6326

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